Well over the past few weeks I've been quite busy. First of all my printer broke - aargh! Typical as one of my goals was to scan in a huge bag of old photographs mum had given me. Anyway I had some birthday money as I was 21 (again!) in August and I bought one of
these baby's. It's just what I wanted a scanner, photocopier and printer all in one. It scans up to four photos at the same time and the photo quality is great. Here are some of my favourite photos I've scanned so far.

My Great Grandma, Emily aged 46 in 1923.

My mum aged 3 in a new dress.

My Grandad Arthur.

My grandma as a young girl.

My Grandma and Grandad's wedding, 1924.
I've nearly finished the scanning one bag and am looking forward to the next one. It has been really interesting to look in detail at the photographs - such as this one - what do you see? A couple (relatives of my mum just after they had moved to America ) standing outside their car and home? Yes, exactly but .....

.... look more closely - can you see the young boy peeking out of the window? I'm not sure who he is but I do hope it's my mum's cousin (she didn't see him until he was much older during the war). What a fabulous photo! Let me know what you think.
I have done some scrapping but I haven't taken many photos, will do so soon though.