Today I had my hair done so I decided to scrap that. There is a school Christmas Fair I'm going to later but as it is usually soooo busy I don't think I'll take my camera - so here is my offering today - moi with a new hair do!

I'm adding journalling to my album after I've blogged - just in case you were wondering.
I love that you used your haircut as day 1. I have stressed about finding "Christmas" things to use in December Daily each day instead of what we really do in December. That is awesome.
your doing well with your DD, your hair looks fab.
I'm behind already lol, been putting pics of my boys items on their wish lists into overlays and printed them and going to get them to write their letters to santa and wish lists out neatly to go in to my album today :) Got a pic of youngest with his Rudolf mask on and xmas hat so may use that for the first page :)
What a great start to your December and your DD!
Cheers :)
Lovely photo and a great page.
wow gorgeous photo 1
Love the hair do and the page, love the misting.
Love your page, and your hair is lovely :D
Haircut looks fab! I've had mine cut two times this year. LOL (Can't ever seem to make/find the time). Your day #1 looks great. I, too, like to journal after posting sometimes-especially if the info is personal/involves others outside of my nuclear family.
I already finished The Hunger Games last week and am about 3/4 way through Catching Fire. Should finish it tonight or tomorrow. Pretty sure I'll have Mockingjay read by Christmas break. If not, I've got a bit of a drive over the holidays, so I'll be sure to finish it then! Happy December to you! Thanks for stopping by my blog and the lovely comments! :) xo xo Suz
I think it is terrific that you used your haircut to start your book. I will be checking in to see how your doing.
Love this idea of a self-portrait!
That's a awesome picture, and a good idea !!!
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