Thursday, 26 January 2012

Remainder of December Daily Album

Here are some more of my December Daily pages. 

Day 16 was just a simple page with a few snowmen at the bottom.

Day 17 tells of my daughters first horse riding lesson.  I didn't take photos at the stables because the light was bad and I didn't want to scare the horses by using flash, but I recorded the story in the journaling.

On the 18th I hadn't taken any photos and then there was a knock on the door and the Rotary carol wagon was outside.  I grabbed the children and my camera and managed to get a few photos.  They are quite blurred but I'm not bothered about it - I decorated the page with a few stickers and a glittered white star from my stash.

Day 19 was of my son's Ju Jitsu display.  I have blanked out the face of his friend for privacy.  On the opposite page to this, in my album I have blown up a photo to 8.5 x 11 and added text to the bottom, but there are lots of other kids shown on that so I can't share it.

Day 20 was another simple page about the first Christmas in our new kitchen.

My daughter and a friend made some mince pies on the 21st.

Day 22 was another baking day, this time with a cake mix that I bought from Tesco.  I saved the wrapper from it and laminated it as a page divider.

Day 23 was my son asleep in our bed - sweet!

Christmas Eve!  I took this photo in the evening when the excitement was growing.  I blew it up and sits on the opposite page to the the next photo down.

These photos are just a snap shot of things we did on the day.

Christmas Day.

I blew up one photo again which shows the hustle and bustle of Christmas morning.

The opposite page again, is photos of a letter from santa and opening presents.

Completing this album was a bit of a struggle.  My computer broke, I ran out of ink and life got in the way but I am really pleased that I ploughed on and completed it.  The resulting album contains lots of memories, photos, drawings, clippings and other memories that I will treasure for years to come.  If you haven't done this project before, I highly recommend it. 


1 comment:

Claire said...

Fantastic album pages.
C xx